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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

When Worlds Collide the...

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I...

The Future of New...

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is...

mRNA Vaccines, Cognitive Dissonance...

Like me, you must be wondering how it has been possible that our...

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Degrades...

COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the...

When Worlds Collide the Garden Offers Some Lessons...

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I was working in the garden yesterday and cleared a few noxious weeds. Tiny stumps of would be trees like wooly nightshade which we cut down to the ground a month ago had sprouted anew and I wondered at the persistence of nature. Those tiny stumps of returning life illustrated one of the great marvels of natural law—the whole is contained in every part. Look at any seed, it contains the whole tree but you can't see the WHOLE in the seed, it is not just too tiny, it is too abstract. Simultaneously, the whole is...

The Future of New Zealand is Written in...

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is being grilled by US Senate members as part of his confirmation hearing as Trump's Health Secretary appointee. He faces the scrutiny of an all court press from the world's biased liberal media concerning his views on the poor quality of vaccine safety research. Not only that, some members of his family are besmirching his character. Cousin Carolyn Kennedy accuses him of "putting baby chickens and mice in the blender to feed his hawks", as if that is the acme of disturbed behaviour. In fact, chopping up meat to feed pets is undoubtedly normal. The truth...

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A Bond of Trust Between The Government and The People Has Been Broken

New Zealand Constitutional Reform—The Need of Our Times Sometimes in life, we find ourselves at a moral crossroads. On the path of our development as...

Ramesh Thakur: The Narrative in Retreat

The Lockdown Files have dished up a curious exchange among Britain’s top policy advisers in early 2020. On 29 February, responding to a WhatsApp message from Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s chief adviser Dominic Cummings that Israeli scientists were just weeks away...

Mind Control, Polypharmacy, and Biotechnology, a Looming Disaster and a Dead...

An article in the UK Daily Telegraph entitled “The ‘black sheep’ brain chip start-up backed by Bezos and Gates" and a fascinating Tucker Carlson interview with a German Scientist Dr. Michael Nehls entitled “The Indoctrinated Brain” raise all sorts...

The Government of the Bio-Technocrats

Governments are deregulating biotechnology. What will that mean for us? An article in the UK Daily Mail entitled “The wave of new £2m-a-dose NHS drugs...

When Worlds Collide the Garden Offers Some Lessons for Our Future

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I was working in the garden yesterday and cleared a few noxious weeds. Tiny stumps of would be trees like wooly nightshade which we cut down to...

The Post-biotech World

In 1972, Stanley Cohen, a Stanford medical professor, and Herbert Boyer, a biochemist, sat down to dinner in a deli in Hawaii. They discussed how to combine their respective knowledge of gene splicing and cloning to create a method...

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Science, Not Political Rhetoric

Excess Deaths Roll on in New Zealand Uncommented by the Government or Media

The week ending June 2nd, 2024, deaths totalled 815, that is a rate 24% higher than 2019. This is a preliminary figure only, the...

Evolution, Genetics, Physics, and Consciousness

This week I have been writing at length on the subject of evolution. You can read and/or download this comprehensive paper here >>> Evolution,...

The Long Read: Could Individual and Collective Intelligence Have Been Negatively Affected by the Covid Pandemic?

An article in the New York Times reports a study of ‘The Link Between Highly Processed Foods and Brain Health.' It advises us to...

New Research: Lab-leak Origin Very Highly Likely

Vaccinated and unvaccinated should take common cause on the need for biotech controls. A preprint paper published by bioRxiv Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of...

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The Future of New Zealand is Written in the History of Biotech Mutation

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is being grilled by US Senate members as part of his confirmation...

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When Worlds Collide the Garden Offers Some Lessons for Our Future

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I was working in the garden yesterday and cleared a few noxious weeds. Tiny stumps of would be trees like wooly nightshade which we cut down to...

The Future of New Zealand is Written in the History of Biotech Mutation

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is being grilled by US Senate members as part of his confirmation hearing as Trump's Health Secretary appointee. He faces the scrutiny of an all court press...

mRNA Vaccines, Cognitive Dissonance and our Future Prospects

Like me, you must be wondering how it has been possible that our health authorities have ignored the mounting toll of excess deaths, heart disease, cancers, neurological illness, menstrual disorders, kidney disease, fatigue, immunological disease, and mental illness that...

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Degrades the Immune System

COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the Benign and the Pathogenic An extraordinary but little heralded research paper was published by Nature last week entitled "SARS-CoV-2-specific plasma cells are not durably established in the...

Campaign for Global Legislation Outlawing Biotechnology Experimentation

GLOBE is an informal alliance of scientists, doctors, individuals and groups wishing to protect populations from the impact of biotechnology experiments.

When Worlds Collide the Garden Offers Some Lessons for Our Future

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I was working in the garden yesterday and cleared a few noxious weeds. Tiny stumps of would be trees like wooly nightshade which we cut down to...

The Future of New Zealand is Written in the History of Biotech Mutation

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is being grilled by US Senate members as part of his confirmation hearing as Trump's Health Secretary appointee. He faces the scrutiny of an all court press...

mRNA Vaccines, Cognitive Dissonance and our Future Prospects

Like me, you must be wondering how it has been possible that our health authorities have ignored the mounting toll of excess deaths, heart disease, cancers, neurological illness, menstrual disorders, kidney disease, fatigue, immunological disease, and mental illness that...

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Degrades the Immune System

COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the Benign and the Pathogenic An extraordinary but little heralded research paper was published by Nature last week entitled "SARS-CoV-2-specific plasma cells are not durably established in the...

The Government of the Bio-Technocrats

Governments are deregulating biotechnology. What will that mean for us? An article in the UK Daily Mail entitled “The wave of new £2m-a-dose NHS drugs that can alter our DNA to beat heart disease, cancer and even blindness... and are...

Excess Deaths Roll on in New Zealand Uncommented by the Government or Media

The week ending June 2nd, 2024, deaths totalled 815, that is a rate 24% higher than 2019. This is a preliminary figure only, the final total will be higher. Of the first 29-weeks of 2024, 18 have had more...

The Long Read: Is This the End of the Materialist Paradigm?

We published an article, “Can Biotechnology Control Human Behaviour?” a few weeks ago. A study found that transplant recipients routinely acquire the memories of the organ donor. As a result of this, we explored the evidence for the emerging...

A Message from New Zealand for the World

There are so many new findings surfacing on pandemic effects, and some old chestnuts, that it is sometimes difficult to choose what to write about. For example, excess deaths in New Zealand continue high. OECD figures show that counting 2023 and...

The Fundamental Flaw in Biotech Medicine

The biotechnology industry has grown over the years since 1953 when the structure of DNA was unravelled. This article is available as a PDF to download, print and share. Its growth has been due to a combination of government finance...

The WHO: Building a Permanent Pandemic Market

In the face of a potentially industry-ending slew of patent cliffs, Big Pharma has begun acquiring biotechnology companies to stave off collapse. To get these drugs to market, the industry is pursuing the only solution left for their dying...

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GLOBE continually seeks scientists, doctors, individuals, and groups wishing to protect populations from the impact of biotechnology experiments who wish to contribute to future publications.

When Worlds Collide the Garden Offers Some Lessons for Our Future

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I was working in the garden yesterday and cleared a few noxious weeds. Tiny stumps of would be trees like wooly nightshade which we cut down to...

The Future of New Zealand is Written in the History of Biotech Mutation

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is being grilled by US Senate members as part of his confirmation hearing as Trump's Health Secretary appointee. He faces the scrutiny of an all court press...