Thursday, January 30, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

mRNA Vaccines, Cognitive Dissonance...

Like me, you must be wondering how it has been possible that our...

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Degrades...

COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the...

The Government of the...

Governments are deregulating biotechnology. What will that mean for us? An article in the...

Excess Deaths Roll on...

The week ending June 2nd, 2024, deaths totalled 815, that is a rate...
HomeConsciousness and Evolution

Category: Consciousness and Evolution

The Post-biotech World

In 1972, Stanley Cohen, a Stanford medical...

What is life?

In 1953, the same year that DNA...

The Post-biotech World

In 1972, Stanley Cohen, a Stanford medical professor, and Herbert Boyer, a biochemist, sat down to dinner in a deli in Hawaii. They discussed how to combine their respective knowledge of gene splicing and cloning to create a method for engineering and manufacturing new genes. Within four months of working together they had spliced together DNA fragments from different organisms and cloned millions of copies using E. coli bacteria. Biotechnology was born. In 1974 they filed a patent application which was eventually approved. In effect, a judge had opened the...

The Post-biotech World

In 1972, Stanley Cohen, a Stanford medical professor, and Herbert Boyer, a biochemist, sat down to dinner in a deli in Hawaii. They discussed...

What is life?

In 1953, the same year that DNA was discovered, Mount Everest climbed and Queen Elizabeth crowned, a graduate student in Chicago passed an electrical...

The World is...

A paradigm is a framework of ideas, concepts, models, research methods, and assumptions that constitute the basis of a scientific theory or outlook. It...

The Long Read:...

Social commentators like Neil Oliver and Robert Malone are telling us that something has gone awry in society that needs urgent attention. I probably...

The New Genetics...

Just think for a minute about what distinguishes humans from animals. Animals are largely instinctual. Humans have self-referral awareness and free will to choose....

The Long Read:...

In an interview I recorded this week with Paul Brennan of Reality Check Radio he asked me when I thought the authorities would come...

Could mRNA Inoculations...

In October 2022, an article appeared in Independent Science News entitled “Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?”. In essence,...

The Origin of...

The general public has been educated to regard DNA as the molecule which unraveled the mystery of the origin of life. When you hear...

Is Human Life...

Sometimes you find things out that are fascinating but utterly frightening and repugnant. Advances in the field of epigenetics have focused on the role of...

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