Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

When Worlds Collide the...

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I...

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mRNA Vaccines, Cognitive Dissonance...

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COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Degrades...

COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the...
HomeHazards of BiotechnologyExtremely Dangerous Biotechnology...

Extremely Dangerous Biotechnology Research Being Kept From Public View

A Global Biotechnology System Designed to Mislead You and Me

Professor Jeffrey Sachs has been chair of the COVID-19 commission for the leading medical journal, the Lancet. Through his investigations, Prof. Sachs has concluded that extremely dangerous biotechnology research is being kept from public view.

Read an in-depth interview here:
Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic

Professor Sachs believes that “our lives are being put at risk,” while authorities and some research scientists with vested interests are blocking further assessment of biotech safety. Our government and newspapers are going along for the ride, promoting articles containing useless and misleading public safety assurances.

The range of biotechnology experimentation has become huge. For example, read the article, Scientists Create World’s First ‘Synthetic Embryos, about a project that created the world’s first synthetic embryos, bypassing the need for sperm, eggs, and fertilization.

Our whole natural food system, with which we share a co-evolutionary relationship, is threatened by biotech synthetic foods, which, like mRNA vaccines, are being presumed safe rather than tested for long-term outcomes.

The sky’s the limit regarding food options, as the cannibalistic installation of steak grown from human cells at the Design Museum in London showed. It was intended to criticize the meat industry’s rising use of living cells from animals.

Are the Lessons of Mad Cow Disease Forgotten?

Engineered genetic material is the ultimate invasion force. Sufficiently similar to real food to enable it to cross-protective barriers put there by evolution, but distinctly different and sufficiently novel to cause exotic diseases with unimaginable consequences.

Professor Sachs is putting his career at risk by speaking out publicly. He joins a long list of eminent, highly qualified physicians and scientists who are cancelled the minute they ask questions about the safety of novel biotechnology.

This week New Zealand newspaper Stuff casually parroted the New Zealand government line that those entertaining the Wuhan lab leak theory were conspiracy theorists who were attempting to fracture our faith (yes, faith) in science.

Such drives to censor caution are being led by unqualified science explainers writing in MSM, social media fact-checkers driven by computer algorithms, and government scientists and medical administrators keen to protect their reputations and professional standing.

The Coronavirus Pandemic is the Entree Into a Very Risky World

It highlights the dangers we face and the lengths biotech companies will go to promote their investments and profits.

Professor Shmuel Shapira MD MPH, who led Israel’s efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine, has been summarily deleted by no less a person than Twitter for suggesting that the monkey-pox epidemic might be related to Covid vaccination.

Professor Shapira has a CV that would put most scientists to shame. You can read his CV, and some of his Twitter comments here, carefully saved for posterity by a substack blogger.

Comments such as: 

“What grade would you give to a vaccine that people are vaccinated with three times and get sick twice (as of today)? Not to mention significant side effects” 

are quite sufficient to attract the scrutiny of relentless bots tracking down vaccine heresy, whatever the scientific credentials of its authors.

As Dr. Shapira points out, Israel has the dubious distinction of being the most vaccinated nation in the world, along with the highest rate of Covid cases. In an obvious reference to the not-too-distant past, Shapira said of the Twitter censorship: 

“Each day I understand better where we live and in which year.”

Highly qualified scientists are asking questions around the world. Dr. Kenji Yamamoto of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Okamura Memorial Hospital, Japan has written to Virology Journal outlining the alarming connection between mRNA vaccination and reduced immunity.

Vinay Prasad MD MPH is a hematologist-oncologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco.

The VKPrasad lab at UCSF studies cancer drugs, health policy, clinical trials, and better decision-making. He is the author of over 350 academic articles. This week he bemoaned the current frenzy of poor Covid science reporting by tweeting:

“How many science ‘communicators’ are just bad at science? I can’t think of another field in which the communicator class is so far from the field in question.”

US Republican Congressman Thomas Massie offered:

“Last time I checked. @factcheckdotorg’s vaccine fact check program was funded by an organization (@RWJF) that holds $2 billion dollars worth of vaccine manufacturer stock.”

An Incestuous Web of Public Relations Hype

I can understand how vaccine manufacturers and biotechnology companies have used their billions to weave an incestuous web of public relations hype, biased fact-checkers, financial sponsorship, and stock market power in order to promote and protect their products, but how did they manage to completely hoodwink governments as well? Their well-oiled machine has a big reach.

Among politicians, a lack of mathematical and scientific depth leaves them vulnerable to both the myopic interpretations of low-grade science funded by vested interests and the somnambulant acceptance of pharmaceutical drug guidelines among tired medical policymakers. How is the trick worked?

Take the strange case of Israeli Covid data vs Palestinian Covid data raised by Dr. Clare Craig, a former UK NHS diagnostic pathologist. Israel has an almost 100% vaccination rate (plus boosters), 4.6 million cases, 11,400 deaths, and a population of 9.2 million.

Palestine has a vaccination rate of 40%, 600,000 cases, 5,368 deaths, and a population of 4.8 million. Both countries are adjacent, and their populations mix through cross-border employment.

As we reported earlier this week, both countries have an almost identical Covid death rate per 100,000 population, which led us to correctly conclude that mRNA vaccines do not make any difference to severe Covid infection outcomes (that is, as long as you choose to ignore the severe adverse events associated with mRNA vaccination, as most governments do).

How would you spin that if you were a vaccine proponent? Easy. Divide deaths by cases. This shows Israel has a 0.25% case mortality rate, but poor old Palestine has a 0.9% mortality rate. Hey Presto. Vaccine public relations problem solved: mislead the government and the public by telling them mRNA vaccination reduces the death rate and hence the severity of Covid.

But deaths/cases are not a scientifically meaningful way to interpret these figures. Simply put, highly vaccinated Israel has had tons more cases per head of population. So the data illustrates that mRNA vaccination is associated with a higher vulnerability to infection but does nothing to reduce the death rate per 100,000 population.

In other words, vaccinated people are more vulnerable to infection (and repeated infection) and not protected from severe outcomes, just as Prof. Shapira, the former head of the Israeli vaccination research programme, has pointed out on Twitter.

Unvaccinated People Are Well Protected

In contrast, unvaccinated people are well protected for the longer term following the initial infection. This is a real scientific fact backed up by careful large-scale studies using mathematically appropriate analysis, as seen in the following articles:

So this is one of the things that Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, our just resigned Director General of Health, was doing when he misleadingly said last week:

“…getting boosted is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your risk of death from Covid-19. Very consistent with the international evidence.”

We should never forget that science is a data collection and analysis process whose results are never as unequivocal as some politicians and health professionals would have us believe.

In this case, Dr. Bloomfield reduced a complex battery of information to a simple instruction aimed at the New Zealand public and our politicians: get boosted or face dire consequences. Yet even a high school science senior could detect and correct such misuse of figures.

It is not hard to figure out why he was still promoting mRNA vaccination up to his retirement. Health systems around the world are locked into pharmaceutical orthodoxy. It has become routine to accept drug companies’ safety assurances and heresy to question them.


What is at issue here is not an interesting discussion of the scientific method; it is a matter of life and death. A tragic drama is being played out daily while we are surrounded by paid opinion makers eager to guide us towards an uncaring sleep. We are sleepwalking to disaster to the tune of the march of the cash registers played by the massed bands of pharmaceutical profits.

As Dr. Shapira Tweeted on August 2nd:

“Myocarditis, fatal arrhythmias, 20% increase in strokes, facialis, Herpes Zoster, tinnitus (ear ringing), gynecological excessive bleeding, monkey-pox, obscured long term side effects. No worries. Be happy.

This is the view from an acclaimed credentialled scientist in a highly vaccinated nation. New Zealand is also a highly vaccinated nation, but we don’t seem to have independent scientists concerned about scientific validity and public safety.

mRNA vaccination has caused a public health crisis whose extent is obscured by drug companies and a health elite working in tandem. Qualified scientists who ask questions concerning biotechnology safety are being cancelled, while tightly controlled media messages are urging populations to accept biotech revolutions in medicine and food.

Let me spell it out once again. We have a biotech vaccine that doesn’t reduce Covid infection, severe illness, or death. It causes serious (read: life-changing) adverse effects at least 50 times higher than any previous vaccine.

In highly vaccinated populations, we have record rates of excess all-cause mortality, including among working-age people, menstrual irregularities among 62% of women, depletion of sperm counts following vaccination, and reduced birth rates.

Pull the Other One; It Has Bells on It

The Hon. Andrew Little, Minister of Health, is telling us there is no crisis in our health service beyond a temporary shortage of staff and the need for more people to boost. Pull the other one; it has bells on it. We urgently need a government willing to admit dire mistakes, apologise, and correct them.

mRNA vaccination has given us a glimpse into a dystopian biotech future. We must wake up before it is too late and pause risky biotechnology experimentation. That includes pausing mRNA vaccination programmes now. The lives of our near and dear ones are at issue, and the future health and longevity of the nation are at stake.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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