Monday, March 3, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

When Worlds Collide the...

After fifty years of broken biotech promises, we need a dose of reality.  I...

mRNA Vaccines, Cognitive Dissonance...

Like me, you must be wondering how it has been possible that our...

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COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the...

The Government of the...

Governments are deregulating biotechnology. What will that mean for us? An article in the...

The Future of New Zealand is Written in the History of Biotech Mutation

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is being grilled by US Senate members as part of his confirmation hearing as Trump’s Health Secretary appointee. He faces the scrutiny of an all court press from the world’s biased liberal media concerning his views on the poor quality of vaccine safety research. Not only that, some members of his family are besmirching his character. Cousin Carolyn Kennedy accuses him of “putting baby chickens and mice in the blender to feed his hawks”, as if that is the acme of disturbed behaviour. In fact, chopping up meat to feed pets is undoubtedly normal.

The truth of the matter is far different from the views of the Fauci fanatics demonstrating outside the Capitol building. The history of biotechnology is littered with the corpses of mutation experiments going right back to the very beginning. In the 1920s, Nadine Dobrovolskaya-Zavadskaya was working in the Radium Institute in Paris when she irradiated the testicles of mice to see if, after breeding, this would create mutations in their offspring. After 3000 attempts she succeeded in creating mice with short tails due to a mutated dominant gene which is now called brachyury or ‘short tail’ in Greek.

Later scientists decided to look at what was left in the womb in cases where the fallout of the brachyury mutation became lethal. They found embryos with short spinal cords, confused chest muscles and no tail at all. The direction of future genetic research was set. It is not too far a stretch to say that bioengineering has since progressed through the creation of deformed monsters. Moving on from fruit flies, to worms, to transparent zebrafish, to mice, much could be deduced about genetic inheritance by tracking the effects of mutated genes on the appearance and function of the offspring through multiple successive generations. The ensuing explosion of biotech research completely ignored the obvious results of Dobrovolskaya’s original research: 

Genes don’t code for just one characteristic of an organism, they participate in multiple ways in the development of multiple characteristics in cooperation with multiple other genes. Mutating a single gene inevitably meant putting the health and development of the whole organism at risk.

From the beginning, grave risk was built into the biotechnology research agenda, today this is more true than ever. The transition from mice to men was not a long time coming. Gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Virology Lab undertaken and funded with the approval of Fauci and others working with the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) aimed to adapt naturally occurring pathogens to become more lethal for humans. No doubt the remote Chinese location of these experiments was part of a plan to hide the truth from the public. Last week the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in admitting what we have suspected all along, they believe COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab. Up until now, their conclusion had been suppressed by the Biden administration. 

Robert Kennedy Jnr. wants to oversee some accountability in a scientific system which has lost touch with the scientific protocols of safety, ethics and reason. Who would blame him? Only those who cling to misplaced faith in the face of fact.

Over the years as each new technology of gene editing has proved both unreliable and mutagenic, why would biotechnologists pursue a programme of gene replacement in the face of such known serious risks and frankly lack of success. The answer lies in that old adage, ‘hope springs eternal’. Armed with a faith that genes alone control human development along with the knowledge of the damaging effects of single gene mutation disorders like cystic fibrosis, scientists suppose that gene editing, deletion or replacement might one day lead to advances in health care. The bigger dream consists in enhancing human capabilities and longevity. 

Some biotechnologists are beginning to challenge this faulty genetic paradigm. Alfonso Martinez Arias, research professor in the department of systems bioengineering at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, has just published a book entitled Master Builder in which he rates cellular organisation as important as genetic function. As we have discussed here at GLOBE, the structure and function of the WHOLE cell is the building block of physical life, not just our genes. Life begins with a single cell. 

Reading Arias’ detailed catalogue of findings built on a lifetime of study and research, I was struck not by its content but by its omissions. Not once in 300 pages does he mention that biological organisms are sentient beings. He was absolutely right about genes, ultimately life is constituted and unfolded by something far more holistic than the genetic alphabet. But believing you have uncovered the secret of life without explaining consciousness is the height of myopia.

A simple analogy might help to explain what should be obvious. Watching Formula 1 racing today from the perspective of high definition onboard cameras, the driver is faced by an incredibly complicated panel of displays and buttons on the steering wheel. These register the inner dynamics and parameters of the car and its engine. Behind our genes are more fundamental laws of nature working hard to support our life—quantum fields, stable vibrational modes, superposition states, abstract spaces, and unified Being. Compared to these, genes are as if buttons on the steering wheel, relaying the status of Cosmic life. In deciding the merits and influence of formula 1 cars, you can never forget the driver whether Lewis Hamilton or Max Verstappen. On the track they are in sole charge, they make the difference. 

So too in the life of biological organisms you can never forget awareness. In humans this is most developed. The point of interface between the observer and matter is known to physics, it lies in the collapse of the quantum wave function when an observation takes place creating new outcomes and leaving enduring entangled connections with past events. This process is the wheel house guiding life. Conscious choices are at the cutting edge of the process of evolution. We are talking here of evolution in its widest sense, the ascent of the human mind to higher purpose and awareness. Placed next to the highest human enlightenment, biotechnology is a baby science of pretend toys, yet one that is also capable of crashing the whole edifice of individual life and civilization to the ground, as we have found out during the past five years of the pandemic.

Consciousness has other qualities which set it apart from the mechanical models of biotechnology—truth, intelligence and bliss. Properly unfolded, our consciousness can divine the truth, innovate order, and experience joy. These are all our own qualities about which biotechnology is so far mute. Severely handicapped by its deliberate and inexplicable exclusion of consciousness, biotechnology has so far only learned how to distort the truth of life, mutate its intelligence, and undermine its joy.

Last week billionaire CEO of Oracle, Larry Ellison eulogised AI’s potential to revolutionise healthcare with early cancer detection and personalised vaccines. The idea was immediately dismissed by prominent virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and others as the prediction of a clueless imbecile because the AI technology involved cannot even in principle distinguish between healthy micro biomolecules in the physiology and cancerous ones. Perhaps as a first step, Ellison might try to point to even a single case of cancer cure using biotechnology before he begins to experimentally inject the whole world yet again. Yes, that is the hard truth of modern biotechnology, the emperor has no clothes, merely a deceptive imagination

Even the casual observer can see that the whole world is at a crossroads. The choices made today will determine our future, as individuals, nations and world. New Zealand sits in a unique position on the globe, remote from our markets, geographically isolated, so far we have resisted attempts to enrol our nation in the biotech nightmare. The commercial advantage and even survival of our agricultural economy is delicately predicated on our clean green image. Whatever the truth of this image, throwing it all away on a nebulous American promise of future biotech cures, crops and climates would be a madness of the first order. Gene altered crops are not at the premium end of agriculture, where New Zealand currently sits, but rather in the bargain basement. Gene therapies cost millions per person but their effects are both disappointing and transient. Genetically engineered animals, if they survive the womb, typically suffer short unhealthy lives. The destructive history of biotechnology, is not the folly of a misguided youth, but the common coin of its everyday procedures. During the pandemic, biotechnology stepped on to experiment on people. It now wants to receive the keys to our nation.

Our government is planning to pass the Gene Technology Bill which will remove regulation of most gene edited foods, do away with their identification through labelling and require the mandatory adoption of risky gene technology if approved by overseas regulators.

There are a lot of concerning provisions in the Bill. Find out more by viewing our YouTube video The Gene Technology Bill. What Kiwis Need To Know and then make a submission to the Health Select Committee by February 17th.

There are many reasons to reject the Gene Technology Bill. We have also published suggestions for a submission template at the Hatchard Report. Write to your MP. They need to be quizzed on this egregious Bill.

We do not live in a country where people are willing to let others take away their food choices, their rights, their beliefs and increase exposure to serious long term environmental and health risks.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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