Friday, October 18, 2024

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Degrades...

COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the...

The Government of the...

Governments are deregulating biotechnology. What will that mean for us? An article in the...

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The week ending June 2nd, 2024, deaths totalled 815, that is a rate...

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The Long Read: Is This the End of the Materialist Paradigm?

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We published an article, “Can Biotechnology Control Human Behaviour?” a few weeks ago. A study found that transplant recipients routinely acquire the memories of the organ donor.

As a result of this, we explored the evidence for the emerging concept that cells contain memories. If you think about it, this is a strange idea. It is inconceivable that in the process of retrieving a memory, the nervous system needs to locate and interrogate a single cell out of trillions. In fact, cells frequently die and are replaced, but memories continue. This is very problematic to the idea that memories solely exist inside cellular structures.

In another recent article we explored a concept of biofields. The concept of a biofield can seem very abstract. Human biofields have no recognised physical counterpart. Hence we argued biofields are a property of awareness itself.

The biofield concept is opposed to the materialist paradigm that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of matter, a mere postscript to life. In other words, the materialist viewpoint leads to the assumption that our abstract subjective memories are locked away somewhere inside the solid dependable and real material of physiology. In this material paradigm, memories only exist because they have some sort of physical existence, but where? Could they all be stored in our DNA?

Viruses are microscopic. Their genomes can contain as little as 2 million times fewer base pairs than human DNA. However eight percent of human DNA is made up of the remnants of ancient viruses that infected our distant ancestors. Viruses invade cells and the genetic instructions they contain make the cell reproduce the virus. The resulting cascade of viral reproduction forms the essence of viral illness. A successful immune response to these illnesses can be passed on to subsequent generations. Is this a memory? Not in the personal sense we understand it. DNA does not alter appreciably as we go through life accumulating incredibly detailed memories.

What if we have approached this conundrum entirely the wrong way? Materialism assumes that consciousness is an emergent property of matter, what if matter is an emergent property of consciousness? What if our physiology is somehow made of consciousness? Let’s explore the evidence for this revolutionary possibility and then draw out the implications for biology and biotechnology. Of necessity, this may appear a little mind-boggling at first as we start with physics, but bear with me, very quickly we will reach some very concrete and startling conclusions which could change the way we look at reality. We also look at the fundamental flaws in mRNA vaccine technology that are well known to science, but being kept hidden from public view.

The physics of consciousness

We know from our own everyday experience that consciousness has a three-in-one structure: togetherness of observerprocess of observation, and object of attentionQuantum Cosmology analyses this in a comprehensive way and explains the emergence of the universe itself as the result of the interplay between observer, observed, and observer-observed relationship which are described as information gathering and utilising systems.

Quantum Cosmology conceives the evolution of the entire cosmos in terms of the wave function of the universe which describes how all possible states of an infinite number of vibrational modes of the unified level of natural law (known as the Unified Field) are co-existing in a quantum-mechanical state of superposition. Simultaneously, the wave function of the universe expresses the quantum-mechanical correlation between selected sets of these vibrational modes of the Unified Field. In Quantum Cosmology, this is understood as the substance of the interplay between observer, observed, and observer-observed relationship.

The self interactions within the Unified Field of observer and observed, are quantified in terms of ‘Information gathering and utilising systems’. These self-interactions of the eternally silent Unified Field are described by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in Wheeler’s book Quantum Gravity as completely independent of time and before space (pre-geometry). The self-interactions give rise to a continuously evolving sequence of states of the object of observation, which can be conceptually conceived as the increasing radius of an observable universe.

This process can be thought of as analogous to the creation of a 3D computer animation from a sequence of high frequencies (self-interactions) in the central computer processing chip. The picture on the screen appears to be real, but it is a virtual reality only. Thus the reality of the universe is described in Quantum Cosmology as a conceptual reality only—the sequence of states gives rise to the notion of time and creates the impression of a physical universe which evolves and changes in time.

Thus, while the picture of the universe portrayed by Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Cosmology, and Unified Field theories is one of non-locality—infinite correlation and unbroken Wholeness, in the process of so-called conditional observations, the timeless infinite dynamism of the Unified Field is neglected or reduced in favour of sequentially evolving, isolated aspects of the dynamism, to such an extent that the impression of an independent objective universe arises.

Don’t think of this as an alien concept. In layman’s terms, this abstract concept of Quantum Cosmology can be understood if you think of the sequence of imaginary events in the mind of someone who believes he may have won the lottery. The plans that he develops to spend the money have both an extension in space and a sequence in an imaginary time. In an advanced stage of such fantasies, the would-be winner may come to believe in the reality of his make-believe world to such an extent that he becomes afraid of losing his non-existent winnings!

Is this view of the universe real? One of the most highly verified aspects of quantum mechanics is Measurement Theory. Which shows that physical states evolve in an abstract Hilbert wave space of all possible outcomes superimposed on one another until a measurement (observation) takes place which collapses the wave function into a definite objectively definable state. This defines a relationship between consciousness and matter. When we look at an object we change it, and in turn it changes us, creating a memory. This is a basic unit of the function of our human consciousness.

In addition to the above fundamental qualities of the cosmos, physics also describes the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This places limits on the nature of measurement and by implication experience. When making a measurement we cannot know both the position and speed of a particle, such as a photon or electron, with perfect accuracy. The more we nail down the particle’s position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa. Energy and time share a similar reciprocal uncertainty. This points to the wave-like property of matter. The physical properties of matter are spread out like waves on a pond. Thus when you look very closely, the solid outlines of the universe dissolve, the hard edges disappear.

Finally we need to reference Quantum Entanglement which is at the heart of physical reality. Like other aspects of quantum science, the phenomenon of entanglement reveals itself at tiny time and distance scales. When two or more particles, such as a pair of photons or electrons, interact they become entangled, they remain connected even when separated by vast distances. In the same way that a ballet as a whole emerges from the connection between individual dancers, entanglement arises from the connection between particles. It is what scientists call an emergent property. We can understand this in laymen’s terms by saying that enduring relationships can be forged in the atomic world when interactions take place.

We have just referenced five fundamental properties of the physical world that have the familiar characteristics of our consciousness:

  1. Unified Field which is parallel to the unified self-referral single awareness of an individual, despite being associated with trillions of separate cells.
  2. Quantum Cosmology which describes the virtual character of physical reality which emerges from the self-interactions of the observation process within the Unified Field. We too have imaginations.
  3. Measurement Theory which states that the observer influences the object and vice versa. The obvious characteristic of our daily life.
  4. Uncertainty Principle which reveals that physical reality has the abstract properties of wave forms, it is flowing within itself as our mind flows.
  5. Quantum Entanglement which reveals that relationships are at the heart of physical reality just as they are in social networks

So why have we delved into modern physics? Because the physical world is not the solid machine that we often imagine it to be. It shares properties with our world of awareness where we entertain different options, make plans and initiate outcomes. The diverse elements of the cosmos are coordinated together, just as the components of our physiology unite to make a whole person. It enjoys relationships as we do. It seems as if the cosmos is actually a field of consciousness.

Memories, consciousness, biotechnology and health

If organs are associated with memories, as the effects of transplant surgeries on individual behaviour and preferences imply, then shouldn’t we ask if these memories are actually stored in the abstract space of consciousness? Is consciousness intimately paired with the information networks apparent in the genetic structure and function of cells and groups of cells?

In other words, do cellular genetic structures act in a way that is analogous to a radio which is able to receive information from the electromagnetic field. Do they receive and process information or memories stored in a field of consciousness? Or more significantly, do we need to start taking the results of fundamental physics more seriously and realise that we are made of consciousness?

Memories play an inordinate role in the entire physiology and our behaviour. In our earlier article we suggested that foreign DNA could influence behaviour if imported into the physiology in sufficient quantity. If we are going this far in our questioning, why not ask what sort of memories and behaviours would gene-edited man-made DNA sequences initiate? What capacity for disruption would they introduce into the intimate relationship with, or even identity between our individual physiology and consciousness?

A recent study published by Nature entitled “High-resolution genome-wide mapping of chromosome-arm-scale truncations induced by CRISPR–Cas9 editing” points to the inherent unanticipated broad-scale effects of gene editing. It routinely creates unintended effects such as structural changes in adjacent chromosomes for example. Yet it is not necessary to even cite these off target effects to question the safety of gene editing and man made genetic structures. Almost nothing is known about how genetic structures interface with our consciousness and our memories.

mRNA vaccines invade cells but they do not reproduce themselves like viruses, instead their genetic sequences instruct the cell to make a protein associated with a virus with the intention of stimulating the immune system to fight off the virus if it encounters it and recognises the protein. The difference between a coronavirus like the common cold and the Covid virus, is that one is naturally occurring and the other is constructed in a lab. Ultimately the genetic instructions in the mRNA vaccine have proved highly detrimental to health, but have they also affected our consciousness and mental health?

An extraordinary article in the New York Times is entitled “The Youngest Pandemic Children Are Now in School and Struggling”. The lead out to the article says: “Teachers this year saw the effects of the pandemic’s stress and isolation on young students: Some can barely speak, sit still or even hold a pencil.” The subject of the article is the reported performance of the pandemic’s babies, toddlers and preschoolers now that they have reached school age.

The article is based on research findings and interviews with more than two dozen teachers, paediatricians and early childhood experts who depicted a generation less likely to have age-appropriate skills, to be able to communicate their needs, identify shapes and letters, manage their emotions or solve problems with peers.

These are some of the key quotes:

“I can’t tell you the number of families who say their kids are anxious or depressed — and they’re little ones, 4 or 5.”

Heidi Tringali, occupational therapist, Charlotte, N.C.

“They’re coming in and they don’t know how to play.”

Brook Allen, kindergarten teacher, Martin, Tenn.

“I spent a long time just teaching kids to sit still on the carpet for one book. That’s something I didn’t need to do before.”

David Feldman, kindergarten teacher, St. Petersburg, Fla.

“We are talking 4- and 5-year-olds who are throwing chairs, biting, hitting, without the self-regulation.”

Tommy Sheridan, deputy director, National Head Start Association

The article identifies multiple possible causes of these findings including reduced verbal and non-verbal communication because of mask wearing, parental stress levels, more time spent on screens, less exposure to people, lower preschool attendance and less time playing. Although all of these factors no doubt played an important role, it is notable that children in the infant and preschool age group do normally spend significant periods of time in a home environment without developing neurocognitive and psychosocial deficits.

Incredibly, the article fails to discuss any possible effects of exposure to Covid infection or vaccination (whether during pregnancy or after 17 June 2022 when vaccination of infants and preschoolers was authorised in the USA). This is because the idea that exposure to a novel man made genetic sequence might affect the mind is simply not being entertained. Our article “The Long Read: Mental Health Issues are Multiplying. Why?” Discusses this issue in depth.

The effects of edited mRNA sequences on health

In fact, there is a lot of push back if you suggest that mRNA vaccines might be inherently dangerous (understatement). We need to examine these arguments in detail. I was astonished by a video released during the course of writing this article. A Canadian genomist, Dr. Mikolaj Raszek, (who is well aware of the adverse effects of mRNA vaccination and blogs about them), incredibly still sets out to justify its use. He does so by arguing correctly that mRNA genetic sequences are naturally occurring mechanisms that transfer information from nuclear DNA in order to make proteins in the cell, but then he fails to distinguish between the mRNA sequences used in Covid vaccines that have been edited in a lab and those made in the physiology.

In doing so he violates basic principles of genetic science. Huntington’s disease is an inherited condition that causes neurons in parts of the brain to break down and die. It is caused by the repetition of a single genetic sequence that repeats too many times. In the scale of DNA, this is a very small defect, but one that has drastic consequences. We know that one wrong line of code in a computer programme can crash a system as it did world wide as just happened, our genetic system is no exception.

The many types of natural mRNA (messenger RNA) occurring in the body are exactly linked with the structure of our DNA. They form part of the extended cellular genetic system. mRNA introduced via Covid vaccination has an entirely novel structure, unknown to our genetic system. If a single gene defect can cause the invariably fatal Huntington’s disease, what are the many defects in the introduced vaccine mRNA going to cause in the chain of genetic command? Moreover vaccine mRNA has been chemically conditioned to last longer than natural mRNA which is cleaned up once it has completed its task. Raszek admits that Covid vaccine mRNA was produced in too large quantities but fails to mention the obvious potential for multiple adverse outcomes, even though this is genetics 101.

Furthermore, Raszek is so conditioned his material outlook that in the video he casually asserts that a single bacterial DNA can easily store all the achievements of mankind ever created in history, an entirely false assertion (this link says two passenger vans of DNA would be needed to store current data alone, but doesn’t quite know how you would do it… A typical bacteria is a single cell containing 700 times fewer base pairs than human DNA that cannot be seen with the naked eye, let alone fill two passenger vans).

Dr. Raszek started out at the beginning of the pandemic, apparently unconcerned about mRNA vaccine safety, he now appears to be trying to justify this early mistake, by making out that all genetic sequences are inherently natural. This is in fact the false premise of biotechnology safety designed to allay the fears of the public and lull them into complacency, forestall regulation, and encourage a never ending stream of investment and grants.

Sifting the evidence for Covid vaccine harm

So how do you sort out whether the artificial genetic sequences in Covid and Covid vaccination are significant causal factors for neurocognitive or psychosocial deficits? If genetic effects are at fault, there will be abrupt changes of an unexpected or unprecedented nature. These could be apparent in individual behaviour or in society at large. Although signs like this cannot be conclusive, they can be indicative and require investigation. To verify a causal connection, you need to compare the outcomes of vaccinated individuals with unvaccinated individuals.

This is the same logic that oncologist Dr Angus Dalgleish followed in his assessment of what was causing a high incidence of cancer recurrence among his patients. He found that a Covid booster shot was the common thread connecting the cases. Unfortunately investigations like his are not being undertaken in the field of oncology, nor in the field of cardiology, nor in the field of mental health. Despite Dalgleish’s prestigious position in the medical community, his findings have been ignored. In general, comparative data on the outcomes of vaccination are generally kept hidden or ignored.

In fact, an article just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine entitled “Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science“, authored by some of the best known and influential figures in the field of vaccine safety and approval, suggests that investigation into the long term outcomes and safety of vaccines has never been adequately funded or studied in the past. The article admits for example: “prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations” and that “there are not resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies” (????).In other words, contrary to what we have been repeatedly told, even traditional vaccines are not properly tested or proven safe. (Find out more about the implications of this bombshell revelation here).

The horrendous flaw in the lack of proper vaccine safety testing has just been laid bare by the pandemic. A completely novel genetic vaccine was developed and mandated for the public who were told it was safe and effective without any provision for long term safety testing. A vaccine, that some well known expert geneticists predicted, based on past evidence, was more than likely, and actually already shown, to cause genetic disruption and consequent health effects (see our article “How Political Ideology, Scientific Hubris, and Pharmaceutical Greed Sealed the Fate of Billions” for more analysis).

These effects include neurological damage, heart disease, cancers, immune deficiency and mental health problems. Billions of people have been affected without being informed of the risks or the experimental nature of the vaccine or the lab origin of the pathogen. Now no one wants to take responsibility. In fact the article in the NEJM appears to be specifically designed to deflect criticism away from the authors who were involved in the vaccine authorisation. Instead, citing the deficiencies of past policy and funding, rather than questioning mRNA vaccine safety and the regulators themselves.

Biotechnology has reached the end of the road.

Driving in America you occasionally come across what is known as a bribery highway, a giant multi lane freeway that goes on for miles and ends up nowhere. These are built as a result of some crooked dealings between politicians and construction companies. Even there are real parallels with the biotechnology endeavour, the end result is not nowhere, but somewhere we don’t don’t want to end up. Biotechnology has been created on the back of incorrect and incomplete understanding, it has made false promises aimed at government grants and speculative investment, and the freedom to experiment on human and animal life without regulation. The only outcome: it has degraded health and quality of life. It has foreshortened life all over the planet.

Developing consciousness to unlock our genetic potential

We have followed on from our original topic. Those believing in a biotechnology future, might do well to regain some admiration for the perfection of nature that was more evident in the distant past. In 1591, Edmund Spenser wrote in his poem ‘The Ruines of Time’:

Then did I see a pleasant Paradize,

Full of sweete flowres and daintiest delights,

Such as on earth man could not more devize

Bearing in mind what we now know about consciousness and physical reality, getting back to nature in a real sense means taking recourse to consciousness. Previously we have discussed research showing the beneficial health effects of deep meditation in our article “New Studies Further Confirm Adverse Effects of Covid Vaccines. Can These Be Reversed, if So How?. The effect is possible because of the primary role of consciousness in physiology. An experience of a deeply settled state of universal consciousness resets the parameters of physiological health across a very broad spectrum.

Despite the fact that we delved into fundamental theoretical physics to bolster our argument, deep meditation itself is very simple to learn and easy to practice. It involves handling one’s own consciousness, yet it is extremely powerful.

We have previously reported that molecular changes measured following long term practice of transcendental meditation as traditionally taught for example are consistent with the known physiological, psychological and emotional benefits of deep meditation:

  • Reduced expression of genes involved in the Stress Response
  • Reduced expression of genes linked to Inflammation—of importance in reduced incidence and/or severity of heart disease, arthritis, atherosclerosis.
  • 19 genes linked to Cardiovascular Disease are altered in their regulation
  • Tumour-Suppressor Genes up-regulated

This shows that the connection between consciousness and physiology opens the door for our consciousness itself to regulate gene expression. In effect, it is unlocking the potential for improved health latent in our genetic structure.

In fact practices utilising the connection between physical reality and consciousness to develop latent faculties such as heightened perception and deep intuition are the subject of ancient treatises on Yoga. These are not religious in nature or in conflict with any religion, they exploit the natural connection between physical reality and consciousness. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras a process termed Sanyama is described. This involves the coming together of three factors in the mind of the student: focussed attention (Dharana), flow of awareness (Dhyana), and universal consciousness (Samadhi).

If we want to understand how this might work we can refer back to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. On the background of the relationship between the unified field (Samadhi), position (Dharana) and momentum (Dhyana), a gateway into the subtle physical laws of nature can, according to the adepts of Yoga, be opened by the mind. This access is referred to as a Sidhi or ability, of which there are many listed by Patanjali. The effect of Sanyama practice on the brain is investigated in this research paper from The International Journal of Neuroscience.

A time is already upon us where the contradictions in the materialist paradigm are causing its collapse, simultaneously deeper understanding has to take its place. Many ancient cultures had specific knowledge about consciousness, often held by saints and sages living in seclusion. Consciousness is revered as a gateway to health and happiness. Being universal, the most settled state of consciousness, once accessed in self-referral consciousness, has holistic effects on health free from any adverse effects. It is only a matter of waking up and investigating the possibilities inherent in our own consciousness.

In this democratic age, there is a need for every person, every cultural group, and every educational endeavour to access their own deep consciousness. How long it will take society to realise this I can’t say, but there is a certain inevitability to it. Definitely, there is a need for it as soon as possible. We are already experiencing chaos in society and world affairs that demands a fundamental change in the way we understand and manage ourselves, our consciousness, both individual and collective.

To find out more about consciousness, meditation and health, order my book Your DNA Diet. To register your concern about the safety of genetic engineering view the International Genetic Charter. Its simple terms spell out in a few sentences the safeguards necessary to protect human life from genetic degradation. Please take a couple of minutes to sign up to The International Genetic Charter here. Lobby your representatives to inform themselves fully of the risks inherent in biotechnology.


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