Monday, March 3, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

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Military Thinking and the Pandemic

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The military’s primary role is protective. It must be alert to think ahead and be ready to eliminate tomorrow’s challenges today.

The military must be alert to protect the peace so that citizens may sleep soundly in their beds at night. The military can count itself fully successful if it never has to go to war.

Pandemic outcomes have highlighted defense and security weaknesses that every nation’s military faces as we enter an era dominated by the development of genetic technology and AI systems. These pose unique strategic challenges that have cast a shadow over our collective future.

Military Involvement Has Distorted Pandemic Policy

Persistent accounts of military involvement in the pandemic response around the world have been published during the last three years. Military organizational capabilities were called up by governments, but did the association run deeper than that?

Biological weapons have been used in warfare since antiquity. In 1347, Mongol forces catapulted plague-infested bodies over the walls into the Black Sea port of Caffa. Intense military interest in bioweapons has continued to this day. Any military power would be remiss if it failed to monitor both offensive and defensive developments.

The full significance of the difference between conventional bioweapons and genetic weapons has so far escaped military planners. Conventional bioweapons include a wide range of naturally occurring pathogens and toxins like anthrax or smallpox, but genetic weapons are engineered versions, which some believe in error can be designed to attack specific ethnic populations.

This repugnant idea has attracted the attention of all military powers because they fear that other nations are developing such weapons.

As it has turned out, ethnically targeted bioweapons are a myth. DNA shared by all ethnic human groups is sufficiently similar so that active genetic pathogens will rapidly find a way to infect all the available types. Genetic sequences are highly mobile and rapidly adaptive to their environments. Nor can they be recalled after release. The Covid pandemic has fully confirmed the impossibility of containing the spread of novel pathogens.

The Military is Interested in Vaccines

From a purely offensive military perspective, the development of viable bioweapons must be paired with antidotes that only one side has developed. Hence the longstanding military interest in vaccine development and deployment.

mRNA and adenovirus vaccines directly invade cells to reconfigure genetic functioning to produce specific sequences which in theory will stimulate the immune system to resist a pathogen. This hasn’t worked. They have prevented neither infection, transmission, nor severity of Covid illness

Importantly, higher human faculties are dependent on cellular genetic functioning whose characteristics are not fully understood. The cell is the building block of life and the home of immunity and physiological stability. Altering cellular function, as for example, mRNA vaccines do, has been shown to generate multiple adverse health conditions. Thus long-term health of the entire world’s population has been put at risk by the new generation of genetic vaccines. This is contrary to all military objectives.

Genetic Vaccines are Inherently Mutagenic

There are other deeper reasons why genetic technology is never going to be containable or safe. As we have discussed elsewhere in multiple articles available at, genetic processes operate at the interface between consciousness and matter, between physical law and physiological processes. Both physical law and consciousness are universal, they span time and space. Editing of genetic information and functioning has mutagenic and inherently unpredictable effects which will modify our relationship with experience and the wider environment. It can undermine our capacity to gain and apply knowledge.

Within the military establishment, there are competing philosophies at work. There are destructive tendencies and protective tendencies, offensive and defensive ways of thinking. It is now clear from published scientific research on the pandemic that genetic vaccines fall entirely into the destructive category, they are indiscriminately mutagenic and usually harmful.

Military Preparedness Pepends on Alertness

All the agencies which aim to protect the public, including the armed forces, the police, and the intelligence services, rely on the alertness of their individual members. Because mRNA vaccines modify genetic functioning which supports mental and physical health, they can undermine the performance of military personnel, defeating the ultimate purpose of defense.

Health data from the US Department of Defence indicates that mass mRNA vaccination has had a devastating effect on the health of personnel. This could be described as ‘defeat before war’.

Between destructive and protective tendencies, there is a middle ground, a field of creative thinking. In my book, Your DNA Diet, chapters 11-13 describe a military philosophy of ‘victory before war’. Enhancing the alertness of military personnel, protecting their mental and physical health is a first step to the creation of lasting peace whereby conflict, crime, and destructive tendencies can be reduced.

The Military Lessons of the Pandemic

On first hearing about the widespread massacres of Jews following the invasion of Russia, Churchill informed the public: “We are in the presence of a crime without a name.” The pandemic falls into that category. There is sufficient indication that Covid escaped from a lab. Worse, a lab that is suspected to have enjoyed military funding or support.

Doubling down on gain of function research in the name of public health or military preparedness, as is happening now, is both a folly and, given the scientific evidence of adverse effects, a crime so serious as to be unparalleled in history. The extent of Covid pandemic crime is overwhelming. The millions of pandemic casualties rank it with war, but a war without any point or outcome other than global suffering and international chaos. A global suicide mission.

Call for Action to Ban Genetic Experimentation

We are writing with a sincere hope that the implications of the increasingly cautionary results of the latest scientific research into the safety of mRNA and adenovirus vaccines (regularly reported by the Hatchard Report and GLOBE) will encourage the military authorities to ask questions and expect answers.

Don’t let the PR hype of those profiting from biotechnology contracts, overcome independent and commonsense assessment of outcomes.

Military authorities must be aware by now that there are long term health implications of biotechnology vaccines. Consequences which have not been fully assessed but are already known to include elevated risks of heart disease, cancers, infertility, neurological illness and strokes.

Don’t ignore the results of recently published studies or rely on outdated claims of safety.

As New Zealand began its mRNA Covid vaccination program ten months before widespread Covid infection began in our country, we are in a unique position to attest to the harmful effects of Covid vaccination in isolation from Covid infection. Currently, New Zealand has an unprecedented all-cause mortality rate that is the second highest in the OECD. It began to rise steeply before Covid infection reached our shores.

GLOBE is calling for action to ban biotechnology experimentation. The military powers of the world should initiate a conference to limit the development and spread of biotechnology research and interventions which adversely affect the integrity of the human cell and the effectiveness of immune responses—the basis of life everywhere.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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