Friday, February 21, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

The Future of New...

As I write, experienced and successful environmental lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr. is...

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Degrades...

COVID-19 Vaccination Degrades the Ability of the Immune System to Distinguish Between the...

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HomeHazards of BiotechnologymRNA Vaccines, Cognitive...

mRNA Vaccines, Cognitive Dissonance and our Future Prospects

Like me, you must be wondering how it has been possible that our health authorities have ignored the mounting toll of excess deaths, heart disease, cancers, neurological illness, menstrual disorders, kidney disease, fatigue, immunological disease, and mental illness that we have been reporting and referencing, including alarming and unprecedented rising rates among younger people.

Listen to the audio version by Guy here.

Of course they haven’t been ignoring it, the respective hospital departments and specialists have been working very hard to treat these conditions according to their current level of knowledge. As a result, they are overwhelmed and overworked. No one, however, appears to be asking why this tsunami of illness has arrived, or if they are, they are only checking against a known and very short list of possible causes that existed pre-pandemic.

This has led to an extraordinary situation whereby those adversely affected, by what is increasingly looking like a very generalised Covid vaccine injury syndrome, are actually filled with gratitude for those whose lack of caution and questioning likely contributed to their condition. In other words, many are being gaslit, but are unaware it is happening, and thereby are left inadvertently thanking those who helped to initiate their injury. The ultimate deception.

As we reported in our article “A Door is Starting to Open to Discuss Our Devastating Public Health Data,” some UK oncologists are pointing out the sudden increase in cancer incidence since 2021, including both new and relapsed cancers. Dr. James Royle, for example, reports that since 2021, he is seeing many more aggressive cancers with complicated profiles, also unusually affecting younger people. It is not always possible to pinpoint the exact cause of any particular cancer case, but Royle successfully argues the case that the timing and nature of the cancers and their increase are causally related to COVID-19 vaccination. He goes on to discuss possible biomolecular mechanisms.

Take this example published by the UK Telegraph under the title “Clinical trials saved my life. Every young person with cancer should have the chance I did”. The author is Harry Brown, who was suddenly diagnosed at 17 years of age in July 2023 with aggressive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and also a bleed on the brain and retinas. In the article, he shares how clinical trials and charity support gave him strength and a second chance at life. Harry writes:

“They told me that they needed to start treatment immediately. Within hours, I was receiving my first transfusion and preparing for chemotherapy. Unlike many others with ALL, standard chemotherapy wasn’t enough for me. Over five and a half months in hospital, my treatment escalated rapidly, starting with the ALLTogether treatment programme, an international trial that tailors treatment to the patient. When that also failed, I enrolled in a CAR T-cell therapy trial at Great Ormond Street Hospital – a ground-breaking treatment in which my own T cells were modified to recognise and attack leukaemia cells.”

In his deeply moving story Harry explains how the caring staff at the Teenage Cancer Trust became his physical and emotional lifeline as the cancer spread rapidly to his spinal fluid.  Now significantly better, he still has to go to hospital two times a month and at the very least will have to manage ongoing problems associated with the treatment such as a compromised immune system and the resultant vulnerability to infection. Harry’s resilience comes through vividly, along with his heartfelt wish that other young people affected should get the level of care he received.

We don’t know what caused Harry’s cancer, but the question the article failed to ask is the one that most urgently needs to be addressed: “Why have so many more people including young people been suddenly falling seriously ill with cancer since 2021?”. We know this is happening because of the very public testimony of UK oncology surgeons like Royle and Angus Dalgleish and because of data coming out of the USA, but the vast majority of the profession and health administrators as a whole seem not just content to ignore the problem but anxious to hide it from public view. Health NZ for example has refused to release cancer incidence data dating past 2020. We are being gaslit. As a result, many victims of vaccine injury are being left in the dark feeling that they are unlucky or somehow have only themselves or their personal circumstances to blame.

How is it possible that those professionals who have dedicated their lives to the treatment of the sick, have not just turned their heads away from the deficiencies of a procedure that they helped to implement, but also refused to contemplate the obvious cause? This doesn’t just affect the medical profession. The denial of COVID-19 vaccine injury is a far more general syndrome. It stretches from the corridors of power into family discussions and workplace relationships, breaking long standing bonds. What is going on? All this adds up to a complete failure to recognise that our health circumstances have been irrevocably changed. People are stuck with past understandings and unable to move on. This appears to be a form of cognitive dissonance.

The nature of mRNA Covid vaccine injury and the appearance of generalised cognitive decline are perhaps related. This is because human biological processes are deeply embedded in the structure of natural law. A paper in Science entitled “Experimental test of local observer independence” reports an experiment investigating Bell’s theorem whose results show that “at least one of the three assumptions of free choice, locality, and observer-independent facts must fail.” Without addressing the technicalities, this suggests physical reality is closely intertwined with an observer existing in a non-local sense in touch with a “global wavefunction” able to influence apparently objective facts. In very simple terms, our consciousness influences physical events.

That is quite a philosophical proposition to swallow, but pause for a moment and think that our immune system also functions freely within certain constraints. It is not just a mechanical system. The human body is composed of thousands of control systems which detect change caused by disruptors and employ effectors to mediate that change, but all of these systems owe their design and operation to the genetic intelligence inside our cells. This genetic system does not have a solely predetermined set of remembered responses. It must be able to invent novel responses to novel pathogens. It can learn to recognise exotic pathogens and invent an appropriate physiology-wide counter response. 

In contrast, mRNA vaccination imposes an alien mechanical property on billions of cells, overwriting the flexibility of our gene-based immune response with a pre-determined, man-made instruction to produce a toxic spike protein. This interferes with our ‘natural immunity’, an established medical concept whose existence Dr Anthony Fauci tried to deny at the height of the vaccine rollout. The key word is ‘overwriting’. The flexibility and inventiveness of the immune system is being suppressed.

Given the total integration between consciousness and physiology, it should be no surprise that the flexibility and inventiveness of thinking could also be ‘overwritten’ or suppressed, leaving some individuals less able to change gear and take account of threatening novel situations. In other words, suffering from a loss of cognitive flexibility.

Cognition is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Cognitive processes use existing knowledge but they can also generate entirely new knowledge. Cognitive deficit is an inclusive term used to describe the impairment of different domains of cognition including attention, memory, creativity, reasoning, etc. It is more commonly associated with ageing, but it can develop through multiple other causes. 

Crucially these include genetic syndromes and chromosomal abnormalities. It appears that a genetic syndrome could be induced by mRNA Covid vaccines which multiple research studies show adversely affects all eleven organ systems in the human body: the integumentary or outer layer, skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems. An extraordinary systemic failure. But not just these, also mental health, acuity and reasoning, made all the more insidious because the gradual decline in sound judgement is hidden from the recipient by the condition itself.

The failure to recognise the wide scale adverse effects of mRNA Covid vaccination has resulted in a species threatening cognitive deficit. The root cause of this is the vaccine-assisted passage of man-made genetic instructions through the cell membrane into the cytoplasm where they repurpose our essential genetic functions. The true horror of the situation lies in the massive world wide biotech research and development programmes currently underway to develop even more invasive mRNA so-called vaccines intended for mass use. This shouldn’t be too difficult to understand, but apparently those managing society and our health system are unable or unwilling to grasp or admit the obvious.

A cessation in the use of these vaccines is long past overdue on safety grounds. Without this, the crisis in public health will only grow. Continuing biotechnology experimentation could even overwhelm the fundamental structure of society. Please continue to alert your local representatives to the dangers posed by COVID-19 vaccines. Be a positive force for change. Enough is enough. We need time to heal and make sure an inviolable framework for medical choice exists under the law.

On a positive note, possible methods to counter adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 infection could include a natural DNA-based diet and the practice of deep meditation. These topics are covered in my book Your DNA Diet. We currently have just 30 physical copies left out of the print run, so now is the time to order yours before they run out. 

We want to thank our readers for their continuing loyalty and support. Some of our staff will be taking a well deserved break from today up to December 1st, so we will be off air. I will be taking the time to review our options for a follow-up book based on our archive of articles and insights. In the meantime we look forward to reconnecting at the beginning of December.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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