Monday, March 3, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

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HomeGeopolitics and RegulationPC—Pandemic Consciousness

PC—Pandemic Consciousness

Eighteen months ago, we all crossed a line into our biotechnology future.

Governments and medical administrators forced many people over the line, who had no clue what line they were crossing.

This has pushed novel medical interventions’ scientific, psychological, and political consequences into new territory.

Early on in the pandemic, scientists and regulators were asking questions. For example, prior to the vaccine purchase agreement, Medsafe here in New Zealand, in common with many regulators around the world, asked very probing and exacting questions of Pfizer.

Then something changed as if a switch had been flipped. As the vaccine rollout began, a line was crossed without apparent regard for consequences:

  • Tolerance of vaccine hesitancy became mRNA vaccine mandates
  • Doubts about mRNA vaccine safety became an eviction offense for GPs
  • Without any safety data, mRNA vaccination was deemed safe during pregnancy, for the very young, and for the immunocompromised
  • Crucially there was a denial of the significance of rampant adverse effects

These decisions are indicative of an impaired psychological profile:

  • Reduced tolerance of difference or reasoned dissent
  • Reduced capacity for emotional empathy and care
  • Reduced time competence—in other words, scientific lessons from the past were ignored as if they had no relevance
  • Abandonment of long-established processes of safety assessment
  • Reduced capacity for flexibility and increased rigidity
  • Exaggerated perceptions of personal vulnerability
  • Exclusion of stakeholders and erstwhile colleagues if they demurred

Nothing illustrates this better than the treatment of myocarditis

Prior to the pandemic, it was well known that paediatric myocarditis is not a mild condition.

A review in the Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (2016) entitled Myocarditis in Paediatric Patients: Unveiling the Progression to Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure reported on a long-term study examining the prognosis of children who suffered from myocarditis.

The study found that at 20 years post-diagnosis 44% of children had either required a heart transplant or died.

The causal factors were known to include viral infection, toxins, metabolic abnormalities, systemic autoimmune diseases, and drug hypersensitivity—all possible complicating factors following both Covid infection and vaccination.

Unbelievably, when it became apparent that myocarditis was a potential outcome of Covid vaccination early in 2021, the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health reassured New Zealand parents that it was a rare, mild, self-limiting condition.

Why on earth were they saying this? At this time, there was no long-term data, and there still isn’t.

There were multiple and persistent reports of individuals with classic symptoms of myocarditis, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart arrhythmia, being turned away by GPs and EDs with the diagnosis that they were anxious and just needed to take ibuprofen.

In October, the government mandated mRNA vaccination for most of the working population.

By the end of the year, over 20,000 people had reported symptoms typical of myopericarditis following mRNA vaccination. Even Medsafe admitted this rate of cases was a gross underestimate. It was also clear from the research that the risk increased with each inoculation.

Despite this, Dr. Ashley Bloomfield was still denying mRNA vaccination exemptions to many people who had these symptoms following their first shot. This was at odds with medical ethics and even exceeded Pfizer’s recommendations.

Belatedly in mid-December 2021, eight months after erroneously telling the public it was a mild condition, Dr. Ashley Bloomfield had second thoughts and possibly realized something had gone wrong. He sent out an urgent letter to District Health Board heads warning them to be on the lookout to catch and treat post-vaccinal myo- and peri-carditis.

Both Covid infection and vaccination can result in myocarditis, but progressively through published research, it has become apparent that the risk of myopericarditis among young people is significantly higher after mRNA vaccination than after Covid infection.

It is also clear that emergency call-outs for cardiac events (a known complication of myopericarditis) among all ages are statistically related to mRNA vaccination but not prior Covid infection.

The Government Appears Incapable of Changing Course

Still, the government is persisting with saturation advertising advising the public that mRNA vaccinations, including boosters, are safe and effective for the young.

Still, doctors who have urged caution remain sidelined. Still, universities are mandating mRNA vaccination as a prerequisite for study.

It is hard to escape the notion that there has been a measure of psychological impairment during the pandemic, an intellectual incapacity to reject unsupported hypotheses and take remedial actions. How could this have happened?

Consciousness and Matter

Life is made up of both consciousness and matter. They interface seamlessly. They are two sides to one coin. Every thought has a counterpoint in our physiology. Every physical event involves a change in consciousness.

Consciousness is not a material machine; it is an abstract field of alertness. We are not human because we have specific extra genes for tool use and language, as was once thought, rather like extra cogs in a clockwork brain.

Our consciousness works alongside a vast, complex, interconnected network of trillions of cells.

DNA is the Interface Between Consciousness and Matter

The interface between consciousness and matter in our physiology is our DNA. Behind our DNA lies the enormous power of the laws of physics. The DNA translates this creative power into a code written with four letters. These four letters contain the instructions which keep us alive and well.

Very early on, as the secrets of the genetic code were uncovered, scientists discovered that it was a code like no other. It is not only linear in the sense that it can be read like a book in sequence, but it is also non-linear. Parts of the DNA help to complete not just one but a number of different functions.

Genetic sequences distant from one another along the DNA helix cooperate to achieve outcomes.

Moreover, the DNA functions as part of an extended epidemiological network within cells, organs, and the whole physiology.

Crucially, exactly how DNA helps to create higher human functions, such as intelligence and empathy, which characterize human consciousness, is unknown.

We do know, however, our consciousness is paired with and depends upon abstract networked field properties connecting cells, neurons, and organ systems into the WHOLE conscious system that is us. We have not even begun to grasp how these network systems function holistically.

A New Medical Era has Begun, and No One Knows What They Are Doing.

Whilst the complete picture of how the DNA orchestrates physiology is unknown, it is known that editing one part of the DNA always does lead to unintended consequences—this is a law of genetics.

One thing we know for sure, physiological systems are very precise; they are not random. They rely on homeostatic feedback mechanisms, the protective effects of our immune system, and the constantly active DNA repair systems, completing septillions (1024) of repairs daily in our physiology.

Like children let loose in a pharmacy full of small packets that look like they contain candy, commercial biotechnology companies have jumped into crude human applications of biotech research originating with gene therapy.

Without evidence, they have assumed that alterations in the operation of DNA will leave our complex higher human functions intact.

What Caused Changes to Psychology and Behaviour?

Families have been divided in bitter disputes, and governments have ploughed ahead impervious to rational argument and human rights. The traditional practice of debate and balanced argument has been refused.

Political and constitutional safeguards have been ignored in an overreach of power. It is very hard to deny that there has been a failure of individual and collective intelligence.

Were these extremes due to fear of disease along with a need for social conformity in times of danger akin to war?

Some have posited mass formation or psychosis as a collective mechanism, thereby, attitudes begin to conform to a pattern as acceptance aggregates.

Certainly, at every level, from international to national to local, there was excessive use of public relations techniques. Did governments begin to believe their own exaggerations?

There are also huge commercial and financial imperatives at play.

Whatever was going on behind the scenes, we shall probably never know the whole story; in a sense, speculation is fruitless.

But is it also plausible to suggest that mRNA vaccination itself has contributed to psychological instability in some cases?

Could mRNA vaccination, which alters the way our immune system interrelates with the DNA, upset the holistic functioning of the physiology to the extent that it also affects our psychology? It might be possible.

Our lack of knowledge in this area just reinforces how foolhardy it is to experiment with genetic alterations to our immune system function. We should pause biotechnology experimentation and applications immediately.

This article was originally published in the Hatchard Report: PC—Pandemic Consciousness.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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