Monday, March 3, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

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Putting Medical Professionals in Charge of Pandemic Policy has Been a Health Disaster and an Economic Catastrophe

Putting Medical Professionals in Charge of Pandemic Policy Has Been a Prescription for Both a Health Disaster and an Economic Catastrophe.

This week the public narrative changed dramatically. What are the lessons for our future?

The cat is out of the bag. MSM, governments, and health authorities have begun to acknowledge that Covid vaccines don’t work and cause serious health problems.

Worse still, the pandemic policy is set to injure many more.

Even CDC director Rochelle Walensky has reportedly admitted ‘hope’ (yes hope) played an important role in their assessment of vaccine efficacy and, thereby, policy formation.

The German government warns that 1 in 5000 suffer serious side effects (just remember this is likely to be a gross underestimate which, in any case, omits long-term effects).

The Israeli government has been caught hiding the extent of vaccine injury among children.

The Guardian newspaper, a bastion of vaccine orthodoxy, has conceded that prior infection, not Covid vaccination offers the best protection against infection.

If you haven’t already seen it, watch Tucker Carlson on Fox News query the official US narrative (and he references published science).

Fortunately for us, no one is going to be able to suppress this trend towards honesty, however hard they try, because it is increasingly difficult to ignore, hide, or spin Covid data from around the world.

Under pressure to explain what went wrong with their Covid policy, the Austrian government has apparently decided to blame doctors.

Are doctors at fault? Certainly, the pandemic has taught us just how dangerous it is to hand control of public policy to medical professionals who receive highly specialised but very narrow training.

Medical Professionals Have No Idea How Economic Systems Work.

paper in SSRN journal concludes:

“It has become increasingly clear that an important negative side-effect of the most aggressive [pandemic] response strategies may involve a steep increase in poverty, hunger, and inequalities”

The New York Post summarises a range of data:

“The data shows lockdowns end more lives than they save”

CNN has offered:

“The pandemic has pushed nearly 100 million people into poverty. They’re struggling to escape.”

The United Nations concludes:

“COVID-related hunger could kill more people than the virus…as the health crisis becomes an economic one, funding shortfalls and supply chain issues could see millions more die of hunger.”

The New Zealand government has spent more than $70 billion dollars on its pandemic response, more than half of an entire year’s revenue. This is borrowed money that will have to be repaid by our children. Most of this expenditure has been directed towards economically unproductive activity.

Economic systems involve networks composed of individual workers, creatives, growers, investors, assets, producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers spread across a very wide range of sectors.

Like climatic systems, economic systems are very complex and sensitive to marginal changes in their component parts, which can drive unexpected outcomes.

From a limited and myopic medical perspective, sacking a highly qualified professional because they are unvaccinated may appear to make sense, but the economic consequences of even small losses in the nation’s skill base can be devastating.

Witness the near collapse of the New Zealand medical system. We lost a few thousand medical professionals to vaccine mandates. Has this played a part? Undoubtedly.

Was it necessary or helpful? No. We now know that unvaccinated individuals create a strong pool of natural immunity after initial infection, which would have been a huge asset in our health system.

Medical Interference in Economic Policy Has Been a Disaster

Repeat mandates across the whole economic spectrum, toss in lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, and you have a prescription for economic chaos.

Discover that vaccines don’t actually work and even lower the immunity of the workforce, and you have entered a generational economic downturn.

Find that vaccines reduce the birth rate and increase all-cause mortality among working-age people, and you have cancelled the stability of the world’s economic system altogether. That includes the world’s food supply system, which is already under threat from climate change.

There are far more frightening potential consequences of the pandemic that are starting to come under scientific scrutiny. Immune deficiency resulting from Covid vaccination could well drive big surges in cancer incidence; the jury is still out.

Neurological and psychological deficits caused by invasive mRNA gene techniques remain unexplored. We are enrolled in a foolhardy gamble, and the medical profession has mandated us to accept poor odds.

Of course, doctors and pharmaceutical systems are fighting back. The narrow economic imperatives of their sector—profits, high salaries, grants, drug and vaccine sales, and incentives, all of which are associated with pandemic-focused government policy—are too tempting to give up, but given up they must be if we are to regain some prospect of economic stability.

The Medical System has Expanded Beyond the Limits of Safe Practice

This is not an exclusive product of the pandemic; it has a long history.

The WHO, medical and drug regulation, doctor training and practice, government support, medical orthodoxy, and ‘ethics’ form a closely intertwined economic system that has, over the years, drifted away from any liability for mistakes and adverse outcomes.

This has been an assumption of power over life and death without consequences. The policing of the system has failed us. Medical misadventures became the third leading cause of death even before the pandemic.

Despite this, government policy is currently at the behest of medical czars. Covid was likely created by medical researchers, and the dangerous and ultimately useless Covid vaccines certainly were.

Their combined effects are driving a steep downturn in longevity and, with it economic productivity. Sadly the medical profession seems content to turn a blind eye to these outcomes in a show of contempt for human life and their Hippocratic oath.

The standing of the medical profession has been eroded by their own disregard for science and ethics. The pandemic has been very much their own collective creation.

First among the subsequent mistakes has been a determination to use the pandemic as an opportunity to enforce their epidemiological orthodoxy on everyone, irrespective of the introduction of risky novel biotechnology and irrespective of what the public data has been progressively revealing.

The belief that the sprawling self-interested medical system could or should dictate government policy to the exclusion of dissenting voices was a fatal mistake. We are now reaping the inevitable and devastating economic, social, and health outcomes. These are set to carry on for years.

Reform of medical systems and a reduction in their power is necessary.

  • This must include the restoration of free medical choice, caution, and accountability.
  • It must include a pause in risky biotech experiments.
  • It must include a reassessment of the scientific criteria of medical efficacy.
  • This must take account of the quality of life outcomes and more stringent safety considerations.

The longer remedial action is postponed, the more social and economic pain will result.

Originally published in the Hatchard Report: The Consequences of Putting Medical Professionals in Charge of Pandemic Policy.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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