Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

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Researchers Find Rogue DNA Fragments Promote Cancer

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

New research has highlighted the role of fragments of genetic information in the development of aggressive cancers.

Genetic information known as extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) has been identified as a cancer promoting intermediary. An article in the Observer reports:

“Our research team have found that pieces of ecDNA act as cancer-causing genes that have somehow separated themselves from a person’s chromosomes and have started to behave in ways that circumvent the normal rules of genetics,” 

… said Stanford university geneticist Howard Chang who works for Grand Cancer Challenges a funded multidisciplinary team.

The team could see all sorts of strange, unaccountable things happening – tumours spreading with unanticipated speed or cancers becoming resistant to drugs that had initially been effective in attacking them. 

“Now, at last, we have revealed the agents of these events. It is ecDNA,” added Chang.

Commercial Biotechnology is Developing Methods to Insert Synthetic Genetic Information Into our Bodies

This research is not related to the effect of Covid vaccines, but it sheds light on the possible role of mRNA fragments as mediators in the recently observed increased rates of new and recurrent cancers. There is a curious anomaly here; commercial biotechnology is striving to develop methods to insert synthetic genetic information into the body as mRNA vaccines do, while a team aiming to fight cancer has discovered that rogue genetic information is a secret agent facilitating cancer. The left-hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Now that they have identified a potential culprit, the Grand Cancer Challenges team wants to develop methods to render ecDNA inoperable (but hasn’t done so yet). In effect, they plan to use biotechnology to disable freely circulating elements of genetic information in the body. A process that potentially adds a layer of externally introduced synthetic genetic instructions into the mix. An approach fraught with potential adverse effects.

To understand the destructive potential of rogue genetic information, it is important to consider the difference between plain information and functional information. A random sequence of numbers contains a specific and measurable amount of information, but it is not capable of performing any meaningful tasks. Functional information, on the other hand, like that contained in genetic sequences, is able to perform tasks. mRNA contains functional information, and it is not random. It has an inherent organizing ability to execute instructions foreign to our physiology.

Free genetic sequences and complex biomolecules that are not part of our tightly controlled physiological network (which is based on chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA) can have a number of properties enabling them to interfere with genetic stability, including:

Shape enables them to interface or interfere with biomolecular lock and key gates that might block pathways crucial to physiological efficiency.

Vibrational Modes enable them to build resonance structures with other molecules. These may interfere with or alter electrical systems now known to be essential to orderly growth.

Folding Properties enable them to assume novel roles in the physiology, including the replacement of other molecules. Such mechanisms are known to cause neurodegenerative illnesses like mad cow disease.

Mobility enables them to travel to physiological sites where they can accumulate and facilitate the construction of rogue structures such as cancers.

Reproductive Properties enable them to sustain their malign influence in the physiology.

Integrative Properties enable them to attach themselves to chains of genetic information and pathways, altering the function of DNA and its expressions, and potentially undermining the overall precise physiological coordination of organ systems.

Hosting Properties enable them to catalyze foreign physiological pathways as an intermediate host.

Actual examples of these theoretical effects include the degenerative role of spike protein fragments produced by the injected mRNA in Covid vaccines illustrated in this study “A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19“. Whilst a German study reports an alarming 26 cases of a version of mad cow disease among Covid vaccine recipients.

The 61-year-long Search for Artificial Hearts

From the above list, you can see that the functional information contained in free genetic sequences has the appearance of intelligence. The difference between mechanical intelligence and genetic intelligence is well illustrated by the failure to develop a successful artificial heart over the last 61 years. The push to develop an artificial heart began in 1962. The concept was based around the idea that the role of the heart is merely a mechanical pump rather than a living organ intimately integrated with our physiological network and a part of the whole system which supports human consciousness.

Successive experimental mechanical hearts have failed to sustain life in the longer term in the way that heart transplants can. A study published in 2016 in Frontiers of Behavioural Neuroscience provides evidence that the heart is not just a pump. The study reported that resting heart rate variability (HRV) is associated with superior executive functioning and wise reasoning. The heart thinks, the whole physiology is conscious. From this perspective, free genetic sequences are fragments of foreign consciousness capable of disrupting both balanced physiological function and the holistic character of our consciousness.

It is worth reflecting that systems of traditional medicine like India’s Ayurveda (literally ‘knowledge of long life’) have recognized for millennia that physiological cleansing techniques are the key to longevity. Cleansing processes such as Panchakarma were recorded as administered to Kings to ensure their well being.

Panchakarma is one approach out of a wide range of Ayurvedic and other traditional cleansing and resetting modalities. As well as herbal preparations, these include sound and light therapies, diet, massage, yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation. Already many of these have been subject to preliminary investigation, indicating improved health without side effects. Dietary advice can be particularly effective in reducing the incidence of cancer; for example, see here.

Our Current Modern Medical Paradigm is Very Mechanical in Outlook

As such, it suffers from the limitations of all artificial intelligence (AI) endeavors. AI cannot move beyond the sum total of inputs, including pre-determined limitations of functional information, whereas human intelligence and hence physiological intelligence is creative intelligence. It can manage balance, growth, and threats to immunity with a level of creative flexibility that moves beyond any rigid set of guiding principles. Human intelligence is self-referral in the sense that nature as a whole is self-referral.

Medical authorities, however, appear to be stuck in a rut. In my last release, I linked to a Tweet from a UK MP which gave the impression that the NHS may be giving up on Covid vaccines. But when you look further, this is not the case. Contrary to accumulating evidence, the JCVI list of people to be offered additional Covid vaccines in 2023 is still a long one.

A continued focus on biotechnology interventions to the exclusion of natural approaches to health is a disastrous path to follow. Synthetic biotechnology is inherently mutagenic. The work on the role of ecDNA in the development of cancer indicates just how destructive free genetic information can be. It is time to reprioritize recommended medical interventions based on a scientific assessment of effectiveness and safety, free of the pharmaceutical bias which currently excludes proven natural approaches to prevention and treatment.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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