Monday, March 3, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

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The Compulsion of Myths—we Are in Extraordinary Times, but of Whose Making?

Our modern education system, popular science digests, and exciting film fantasies have created a dream vision of the future that rests easily with imagination and longing.

We could sum this up in the phrase ‘our biotechnology future.’

Since the discovery of DNA, we have been fed a diet of genetic miracles—the cure for inherited diseases, human clones, the recreation of dinosaurs, extended longevity, cryogenic preservation, perfect health, suspended animation as we journey through space and time, and much more.

The invention of life-saving genetic miracles has become a matter of faith. The details known to the general public are rudimentary, but the promise is rosy.

Genetic medical research has become the darling of government funding. A vast professional body of medical technologists has been awaiting their turn in the spotlight.

The pandemic is their moment. Their time has come. They have seized it with both hands.

The Truth is Rather Prosaic by Comparison

I don’t need to cite research papers to open this exciting faith bubble. Just walk on the beach, pick up a simple shell, and wonder what geneticist could recreate this. The answer is not one.

In fact, the current state of genetic knowledge in practical terms is rather crude and sketchy. Even the common cold eludes a cure. No mammoths walk the earth.

The prevention of inherited diseases has become a largely forlorn hope, more than that, the gene cures being investigated are now known to be dangerous.

DNA is not a linear set of instructions, such as those in a book whose paragraphs can be swapped around and edited.

DNA is part of a precise self-interacting biofield linking us all in the web of life.

Finely balanced—change one element, and you change the whole. Alter DNA; you are putting at risk that very precious commodity—life.

Reality Has Never Deterred Dreamers

The dream of overnight transformative discovery has become the common coin of biotechnology and has assumed mythic proportions.

This dream has pushed the whole world to where we are today—the edge of destruction.

Conversations with decision-makers are revealing.

Yesterday I talked with a university lecturer in the medical area who recounted a gem of wisdom passed on to him by his dean:


To this end, the university felt confident to mandate mRNA Covid vaccination for its students, even though Covid itself was not dangerous for them and the vaccination, by contrast, risked heart disease.

The compulsion to try out biotechnology was dictated by the myth, whatever the risk.

Youth, eager to maintain their lifestyle and on the edge of a bright future, was easy prey.

To me, this speaks of a philosophy sitting easily with eugenics whose end justifies any means.

The problem with myths is that they can be very hard to shake.

I have a friend who regularly sends money to someone he has never met who maintains he is on the verge of digging up gold in the Philippines.

Regular glowing progress reports, along with requests for more finance, arrive by email. No amount of wise counsel has succeeded in dissuading my friend’s ill-placed faith.

The pandemic, in all probability, began in a laboratory in China, which sent glowing reports to America requiring more finance.

Or perhaps it began in America when a few biotechnologists sent glowing reports to a lab in China.

The Dream Was the Cure of all Disease

The fraud was the creation of new diseases in order to test out the cure. Now we really are testing out the ‘cure’ on the whole world.

Disavowing the medical establishment and the political power brokers of the ‘cure’ is an uphill battle.

First, the disease was a killer of such proportions as to strike fear in every heart; thereby, It became an emergency that opened the door to untested and risky biotech medicine.

Its mortality rate is similar to influenza and far lower than cancer and heart disease. Crucially also less than the third leading cause of death—medical misadventure—the chance of being killed by a modern medical ‘cure’. How did we miss that?

Second, there were mRNA vaccines that were 90% effective and were virtually free of side effects. Satisfied by the mere name ‘vaccine,’ medical authorities largely forgot about emergency approval and the absence of long-term testing.

They also consigned the development of early treatment protocols to the back burner.

Third, the vaccines dropped in effectiveness to virtually zero after seven months.

Fourth, the adverse effects were large, at least 30 times larger than traditional vaccines.

Some of the effects were very serious indeed.

Oh, and did I say that the long-term effects were unknown?

Fifth, even if they didn’t stop transmission, the vaccines protected from hospitalization and death.

Now it has become apparent there is no correlation between vaccination rates and hospitalization by country and by county.

The figures in the UK have drifted towards higher hospitalization rates for the vaccinated.

At what point did the emerging data begin to shift medical authorities and an adoring government away from the myth of genetic vaccination?

At no point.

Israel is now considering a fourth booster.

If you have given your unreserved endorsement to ‘our biotechnology future,’ there is no going back.

Going back at this point will engender embarrassing questions for medical policymakers with no answer, and it will destroy political futures.

Our ‘betters’ have bet the farm on a future that is just a dream. Time to call time on the dream.

Time to admit that there are thousands of vaccine-injured, trusting people who did the ‘right thing’. People who need acknowledgment and medical assistance.

Covid is a Disease that Particularly Affects the Unhealthy

Time to recognize the obvious implication that natural preventive elements of personal health should be supported.

Time to put in place an early home treatment protocol.

Oh, and did I say it, time to alert people that the long-term effects of the vaccine are unknown?

Time to stop pretending that youth benefit from vaccination when a short, mild illness will give them long-lasting immunity.

Time to call time on mandates.

Medical choices never have been the government’s prerogative and should never be again.

Myths are just myths, wild imaginings tinged with hope and longing, but far from rational science.

If we continue to believe at this point, we are staking life itself on the longest odds.

This article was originally published in the Hatchard Report: The Compulsion of Myths.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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