The measures which must be observed to protect the integrity of our cellular genetics, in order to preserve the happiness, health, intelligence and peace of the family of mankind.
Individual Rights:
The right to refuse any medical intervention which penetrates the cell membrane and thereby could alter the genetic structure or function of a cell or multiple cells. Including the right to be fully informed if such is the case.
The right to full disclosure labelling of any food with genetically modified content, including food derived from animals that have been fed genetically altered food or received biotechnology-derived treatments or vaccines. The right to full disclosure labelling of any food, supplement or medicine which contains biosynthetic substitutes for natural ingredients.
The right to food and seed certified uncontaminated with trace genetically altered material.
The right to protect the full meaning of the word ‘natural’ whose use on food labels should only be allowed for ingredients and products directly derived or extracted from naturally grown plants and animals, not via synthetic processes.
Collective Rights:
The right not to be subjected to advertising, information or propaganda about biotechnology which exaggerates or misrepresents any possible benefits or omits to discuss the known and suspected risks.
The complete cessation of gain of function research and bioweapon research.
The right not to be subject to coercion for universal compliance to vaccination The complete cessation of any release or use of experimental biochemical or genetic interventions which cannot be contained including crops and medicines which may ultimately affect whole populations and subsequent generations.
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Write to your MP and ask that they publicly support the terms of the International Genetic Charter. Ask that they support food and agricultural legislation that will protect our genetic heritage
Help to establish a database of foods containing genetically altered and substituted synthesised ingredients
Help to specify and implement testing protocols that will certify foods pure and free of contamination
Write articles in support of GLOBE and submit them to magazines, newsletters, etc., for publication.
Communicate with GLOBE—The Campaign for Global Legislation Outlawing Biotechnology Experimentation.
Find out more about the dangers of genetic engineering. Review the articles on our website.
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a stitch in time saves nine
Sign up to The International Genetic Charter—Register your support
Human life begins with a single cell which multiplies into 37 trillion cells. Each cellcontains identical genetic material unique to that individual. As the cells multiply, they assemble the diversified human physiology with its organ systems, homeostatic mechanisms and structural elements. Yet throughout this process, by virtue of their homogeneity, the trillions of cells work together to support a single unique human identity. Each cell retains and defends its genetic identity carrying out approximately 70,000 repairs every 24 hours. This points to the overriding importance of our unique personal genetics.
Therefore it is not just a human right to have and defend our personal identity and freedoms; defending our personal genetic identity is a universal and natural physiological process. It is our right to ensure that the process continues unimpeded.
The final purpose of this process is the support our whole physiology affords to human consciousness. The crowning glory of human consciousness is not just its capacity for penetrating intellectual discrimination, but more importantly its ability to connect with the universal. Throughout history and across cultures it is the capacity of individual consciousness to connect with universal truth, spiritual wisdom, moral insight and the collective good that is most treasured. Human physiology supports that reflexive ability which transcends the particular and touches the universal.
It is not at all clear to science how the body supports the mind, how our genetics supports the expression of universal consciousness, but one thing is clear—editing the genetic processes contained in the whole cell threatens not only our unique identity but also our capacity to connect with the universal. It threatens the very essence of what makes us human.
This is not a psychological or philosophical concept, it is built into the very fabric of the cosmos—natural law. Although we view natural law through the diverse lenses of different disciplines, like physics, chemistry, biology, etc., natural law is a unified whole. The holistic integration of natural law ensures that at its root all life and even material existence is always connected to its source at the most unified level of natural law which has been glimpsed by physics as the unified field.
The unified field is conceived as self referral, it creates the fabric of space-time and the material substance of the cosmos from within itself. This self-referral quality of the unified level of nature’s functioning identifies it with the fundamental quality of self-referral consciousness. Indeed consistent and complete theories of physics cannot be formulated without reference to a conscious observer.
Human consciousness is supported not just by the information in DNA but by the genetic system contained in the whole cell and the collection of trillions of cells. Thus DNA cannot function without RNA and RNA cannot exist without DNA. Cells have a three-in-one structure: the Whole Cell comprising Nucleus—Cytoplasm—Membrane. There is a mutual dependence involved in the functioning of the millions of proteins in the cell cytoplasm, the DNA in the nucleus and the cell membrane.
This interdependence extends to our relationship with the cellular genetic basis of our natural food sources. We have lived and evolved over millions of years in a mutually beneficial cooperative natural biosphere that is fully integrated with its basis in the unified field of natural law. Thus natural foods based on DNA are an essential part of nutrition. The genetic intelligence in these foods supports immunity, protects against diseases like cancers, neurological and inflammatory illness, and promotes growth.
The proliferation of genetically altered foods and synthesised ingredients has introduced unquantified risks into our food sources. Intra cellular genetic processes govern our immunity and our entire physiology. These rely on the molecular properties of our food sources including their chemistry, hydration, conductivity, electromagnetic profile, shape, resonant vibratory modes, and enzymatic lock and key characteristics. All of these can be degraded or subtly altered by synthesis or genetic modification, which in term can affect cellular processes including repair, inter-cellular communication and genetic transcription. These processes ultimately affect the alertness and capacity of our consciousness.
The three in one structure of the cell is a reflection of the three in one structure of consciousness—the togetherness of observer, process of observation and object. This is intimately familiar to us as the structure of our everyday experience in our waking life, but human physiology and genetics supports a deeper awareness—the capacity to connect with universal consciousness. It is this capacity which guides all human achievement that stands in need of protection in the modern era of gene editing and biotechnology experimentation
There is a general principle in science. As you go to smaller time and distance scales, there are fewer laws affecting a wider range of events. Thus interventions which penetrate the cell membrane and edit the internal genetic processes, will have unpredictable effects on the entire physiology, its stability, immunity and health.
The lesson of the Covid pandemic is very clear. Gene edited organisms, including the results of gain of function research, cannot be contained, they spread without limit and affect subsequent generations. Moreover medical interventions designed to edit internal cellular activity will inevitably have unintended specific and generalised impacts on health, including physiological, neurological and psychological effects.
The purpose of the International Genetic Charter is to specify the measures which must be observed in order to protect the integrity of our cellular genetics with a view to preserving, protecting and promoting our health along with the highest functions of the human mind and its capacity to form peaceful, orderly, productive and fulfilling communities, cities, nations and the world as a whole. In short, the aim of the International Genetic Charter is to preserve the happiness, health, intelligence and peace of the family of mankind.
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