Saturday, February 22, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

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The Right to Life—is Medical Choice Always a Right When It Comes to Biotechnology?

Some authorities are still insisting that people who took the Covid vaccines did so by choice; a choice anyone should be free to make and bear the consequences.

An extraordinary disregard for the coercion involved.

Yesterday we had a visit from an old friend. Like myself, they are steering clear of experimental mRNA vaccines, but they declined to advise others to do so. Their reasoning was simple, according to my friend, everyone should have a free choice about which medical interventions they take. Fair enough, I agree; if you are ill, you should be able to cast a wide net. This may even involve some risk. But are there any exceptions to this rule?

We have a friend whose young child is seriously ill with a debilitating neurological condition. The cause was a genetic defect passed down through a couple of generations which is now known to be ultimately caused by exposure to a powerful herbicide. Here’s the rub: this defect’s impact is getting far worse as it passes down through successive generations.

Genetic Integrity and Stability is our Guarantee of a Future

You can see where we are going with this. If a medical intervention poses a risk to the genetic integrity of subsequent generations and a person is still potentially going to have children, surely it can’t be a free choice? We come back to the philosophy of John Stuart Mill, free choice should be a human right as long as it doesn’t harm others.

Of course, there are other factors also. There should be a presumption of informed consent when it comes to medical choice. This hasn’t happened systematically during the pandemic, and the result has been that many have been injured despite their expectation of safety. Some of those harmed are still unaware that the mRNA vaccine was potentially at fault. Some individuals have died unexpectedly. It is an international tragedy.

A preprint paper published 1st September 2022 outlines the known and suspected “Potential Mechanisms for Human Genome Integration of Genetic Code from SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination“. This is a highly technical paper. It reports:

“The integration of genetic code from RNA viruses into host DNA, once thought to be a rare or even impossible phenomenon, is now recognized as probable. ….The potential role of mobile genetic elements in the etiopathogenesis of neurological, cardiovascular, immunological, and oncological disease and the possibilities of human DNA interference by SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination are explored. Vulnerable germ line cells, cancer cells, and neurons can presumably all be targets for anomalous mRNA integration, especially in aging cells that show increased LINE-1 activity compared to younger cells.
The mRNA coding for the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein in the vaccines has been carefully designed to increase stability and efficiency of spike protein translation, thus avoiding normal mRNA degradation pathways. This may increase the potential for genomic integration. If this should be the case, the predicted consequences pose serious potential risks to human health that are in need of clarification.”

These concerns are, at this stage, still just that—concerns, possible outcomes. No one so far definitively knows whether the novel genetic information in the vaccine has integrated into human DNA in vivo, but the authors use the word ‘probable’ they outline good scientific reasons to suppose this is the case including in vitro examples of integration. That is enough in my book to raise a red flag. No one would be comfortable with a risk of potentially harmful genetic defects integrating into their family line. Or would they?

We are up Against Implacable Commercial Forces

Kathrin Jansen, recently retired head of R&D at Pfizer, in an interview with Nature Reviews waxes lyrical about vaccination saying:

“I remember lining up in the school auditorium for my smallpox vaccine. I thought it was amazing: one shot and you’re done. Great!”

Kathrin continues:

“Vaccines have not provided quite such a simple solution for COVID, but the ultra-rapid development of these products has been a game-changing lifeline…”

In other words, mRNA vaccines don’t really work, but the speed we were able to develop and market them is worth its weight in gold. Well done Kathrin. The title of the article is “COVID vaccines: “We flew the aeroplane while we were still building it”. It crashed.

If you think people with this kind of mindset are going to roll over and go away when it finally becomes general public knowledge that mRNA vaccines kill people and endanger human genetic stability. Think again. Kathrin comments “the mRNA platform is super, and there’s a bunch of mRNA [vaccine] candidates now that are being worked on.”

An article in Nature dated 11 February 2022 entitled “The mRNA vaccine development landscape for infectious diseases” reports there are 137 mRNA vaccine candidates in the pipeline. The number is rapidly expanding. There are mRNA vaccine development technology hub sites in North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and Latin America. It’s a full house. No disease or pathogen is too lowly to be missed. There is a very long list. Governments, investors, and corporates are pouring billions into the programmes.

As Kathrin said, the speed of development is “worth its weight in gold”. Previously the vast majority of drugs and vaccines failed during the mandatory ten year development and testing programmes, but now, thanks to the introduction of lax pandemic oversight, vaccines can be developed and huge profits reaped before real world results demonstrate they are deadly.

The precautionary lessons are not being learned. The Lancet Commission on Lessons for the Future from the Covid-19 Pandemic composed of largely pro-vaccine advocates is calling for a ‘vaccination-plus strategy’ and globally coordinated responses to health threats—responses that would further undermine national health sovereignty and individual health choices.

After thirty years raising a precautionary voice on biotech safety, one thing at least is clear to me: we are up against a determined and organised enterprise. There is a plan, and there are contingency plans, to ensure nothing stands in the way of globalised acceptance of novel biotechnology. This includes control of our food sources.

If We Duck Responsibility or Pass the Buck, We Are Failing in Our Duty

Just remember that what is becoming known as the Covid Industrial Complex has made a lot of people very rich, famous, and powerful. At stake for big pharma proponents are profits on an undreamed scale stretching out into the future, for medical authorities and researchers there are reputations to be made and lucrative jobs on offer, for politicans there is an unheard of measure of ideological control, and for the media there is an income stream from advertising and government support. No one involved is going to willingly forgo these.

On the other side, the Covid era has pushed many unnecessarily into poverty and ill health.

To counter this, we have rational knowledge, research findings, and a sure understanding that natural systems are supported by stable and flexible evolutionary relationships and immune responses. Our powerful arguments, definitive scientific evidence, and fully-justified confidence in natural immune processes are pitched against commercial interests allied with a PR onslaught and control of information channels. We are not giving up. There are lives at stake, and ultimately there is a moral imperative to uphold truth and justice.

Guy Hatchard Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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