Monday, March 3, 2025

Science, Not Political Rhetoric

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The Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Need To Take Common Cause To Exit the Pandemic

Unless rampant genetic experimentation is regulated, the world’s whole population will continue on a risky journey toward an unknown destination somewhere in biotechnology.

Today I want to reach out across a divide and back in time.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the origin of Covid-19 was of special concern to everyone—the question was ‘who was ultimately to blame?’.

The dialogue was between those who thought its origin was zoonotic (jumped from an animal) and those thinking it was made in a laboratory.

We never received a definitive answer to this debate, but nevertheless, our government decided early on in mid-2020 that the idea that Covid-19 came from a laboratory was a conspiracy theory (see my article ‘The Jacinda Papers’).

The immediate value to Jacinda’s government should be obvious if Covid-19 came from an animal, it was a natural virus requiring the time honoured solution of a vaccine.

If it came from a biotechnology laboratory, there would be an issue of trust—could the same people who created Covid-19 be trusted to cure it?

Moving back to the present day, genomists have made real progress in resolving the debate around the origins of Covid-19.

Some genetic sequences in Covid-19 have been found in mutated strains of HIV, which appear to have no place in any animal viruses and some genetic constructs of Covid-19 are not natural at all, but they are identical to genetic sequences patented before the pandemic by Moderna—a company who created a Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.

The details are technical, but the process of researching the connections has been rendered accessible to a layperson

In general, the debate about Covid-19 origins has swung strongly back towards a laboratory origin, especially considering that it is now clear that the early calls for a zoonotic origin were mainly from scientists involved in the experiments at the Wuhan lab who would have most to lose from the debate.

This gives us all a completely different perspective about that other crucial debate between the provaxx and antivaxx camps (let’s leave aside for a moment the supporters from both camps who are anti-mandate).

The vaccinated and the unvaccinated are facing a common foe—risky biotechnology experimentation leading either to a virulent illness or a novel vaccine with a high rate of adverse reactions.

Whatever political endgame that emerges, both camps are left with a common problem—how to control biotechnology experimentation that threatens the stability of life itself (see my video The Pandemic of Biotechnology).

We are up against formidable obstacles: 

  • Military interest in biotechnology continues for reasons of both offense and defense. More accidents are inevitable. No weapon ever invented remains unused.
  • Commercial investment in biotechnology is huge. There are fortunes to be made and lost depending on the outcomes of experimentation and regulation. Inevitably this means political lobbying and donations with strings attached. 
  • There is a massive academic class of trained biotechnology researchers looking for employment and professional kudos who are dominating research perspectives and calling for more biotech funding in universities.
  • Popular myths of biotechnology are carefully curated through media support that biotech will ultimately cure all diseases and feed the world. As a result, biotechnology is seen by the public and medical professionals as the new frontier of medical and social miracles, but without any understanding of the huge risks and historical accidents. This has led to political myopia concerning biotech risk.

It is time to recognize that both the vaccinated and unvaccinated have actually been relying on the same pandemic exit strategy.

The unvaccinated trust their natural immune system to protect them. The vaccinated are trusting their natural immune system to react appropriately to a vaccine and thereby protect them.

So both groups trust their natural immune system. Perhaps what neither group fully realized was that biotech manipulation is a common foe that is busy offering novel products, some of which are capable of overwhelming our natural immune system whether we are vaccinated or not.

No exit strategy from the divisive horrors of the pandemic will be complete without instituting limitations on biotechnology experimentation.

For that, the political myopia concerning biotechnology dangers needs to be overcome.

This will require a massive educational effort and inviolable constitutional safeguards.

This article was originally published in the Hatchard Report: To Exit the Pandemic, the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Need To Take Common Cause.

Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.


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